Women in Tech Networking Event
On the fourth day of the delegation trip, the group spent the morning at Lonadek, a tech consulting firm, where they were able to network with local women working in tech. Upon arrival, members of the delegation group were interviewed by journalists for articles and for local television segments. Consul General F. John Bray joined the event to speak about the important role women play in creating sustainable economic development. Staff members from the U.S. Consulate were also present to speak about the different opportunities offered through the consulate. Mide Ayeni, 2017 fellow of Nigeria, gave the opening address and Ogo Maduewesi, 2014 fellow of Nigeria, provided the audience with an introduction to the TechWomen program.
Before launching several rounds of speed networking sessions, mentor Pamela O’Leary gave a lightning talk called “Purpose-Driven Relationships: The Importance of Networking,” where she spoke about how to make networking fun instead of scary.

“Don’t look at other women as competition. We need to pull each other up as we climb up higher on the ladder.” – Pamela O’Leary
Following the speed networking sessions, Larissa Shapiro moderated a fireside chat with Maile Smith and Jessica Dickinson Goodman on the topic of using tech for social good. The three mentors spoke about what the responsibility is for science and tech to work for the social good and what models they have seen used to power social change and impact.
Six Nigerian fellows, including Mide, Ogo, Desiree Craig (2015), Busayo Durojaiye (2014), Christie Etukudor (2016) and Remi Hamid (2016), then introduced themselves and their projects and answered questions from the audience about TechWomen.
At the end of the event, participants were given more time to network with members of the delegation group and with TechWomen fellows before mentor Queen Denchukwu of Autodesk delivered the closing remarks, thanking Lonadek and encouraging the many female entrepreneurs in attendance to continue pursuing their dreams in STEM.
Travel to Abuja
In the evening, the delegation group bid farewell to Lagos to travel to Nigeria’s capital city, Abuja, for the remainder of the program. Upon arrival, the delegation group was greeted at the airport by the Abuja-based Nigerian fellows.
Continue following the delegation activities at #TWnigeria!
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