When 27-year-old Noha Abousonna returned home from the TechWomen program, her start-up quickly took notice of her newly developed skills and provided her with additional responsibilities. “My company understood that I now have connections with investors. I have promoted my company well. They know I could more.”
Months earlier, Noha applied to the TechWomen program as an entrepreneur who understood the importance of expressed cultural connectivity. Her plan was to record and take notes of her experiences and make them available for everyone to read through social media. But she was shy, reluctant and fearful. “Before I came to TechWomen I had stage phobia,” said Noha. “I couldn’t do a presentation in front of small groups of people or a large audience.”
In January 2009, prior to joining the TechWomen program, Noha developed a desire to build her own company. She craved an innovative space where she would have the freedom to turn her dream application ideas into reality. It was her appetite for innovation that helped her begin the journey that led her to the TechWomen program. At the time, she had secure employment. However, her drive to produce something new was stronger than her desire to fit in with the norm, so she left behind the known for the unknown and went to start her own company. “Everyone around me called me crazy and unrealistic to think about leaving my job,” she wrote in her TechWomen application. But Noha imagined being part of building and enabling an entrepreneurial ecosystem in Egypt.
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