This week it was announced that 2016 fellow of Uzbekistan Saida Yusupova was a winner of SDGs & Her, a competition for women entrepreneurs working to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through their business operations. The contest, sponsored by UNDP, UN Women, the World Bank Group and the Wharton School’s Zicklin Center, seeks out microenterprise owners who are increasing knowledge about the 17 SDGs addressing themes such as gender equality, clean energy and economic growth.
Saida, one of two winners out of over 1,200 applications, is a sustainable development specialist and founder of Green Business Innovation, a consultancy company established shortly after her TechWomen experience. Specializing in green and clean energy, the company focuses on curbing carbon emmissions and advancing green technologies with a mission to accelerate sustainable economies worldwide.
Saida is a co-organizer of the second annual Women in Science and Tech Week, which coincides with TechWomen’s 2019 delegation trip to Uzbekistan. TechWomen delegates will gather with STEM professionals from throughout the country, joining the Women in Science and Tech Week’s official kickoff event as well as sessions for entrepreneurs and students throughout the week.