Mentor attends COP28 in Dubai to showcase gains with Tapestry’s electric grid virtualization technology
Mentor Page Crahan recently attended COP28 this December in Dubai to showcase Tapestry, the electric grid division of Google’s X the moonshot factory. As the General Manager and leader of Tapestry, her visit focused on their progress with Chile’s national grid operator, Coordinador Electrico Nacional (CEN), which is the first national system operator to employ Tapestry’s grid virtualization technology as the country moves towards its 2030 goal for a clean energy transition. Tapestry’s tools allow CEN grid planners to run 30 times more scenarios than they can with their current platform, vital to a country with the second longest national electric grid in the world. Key COP28 highlights for Page also included speaking on a panel, “Unlocking Innovation to Lead in the Energy Transition: COP 28 Energy Day” and being invited by Chilean Minister of Energy Diego Pardo to join one of his COP sessions, where he unveiled a new video showcasing the progress of their partnership with Tapestry since 2021.
“It was the first time global leaders took stock of the progress we’ve made since 2015’s landmark Paris Agreement and the report card is discouraging,” Page wrote in a recent blog. “Still… I’m confident that with the right policy initiatives, visionary organizations, and people dedicated to tackling the climate crisis—and their collective willingness to take bets on new technologies and partnerships—we’ll get on track towards living in a clean, vibrant world powered by renewables.”