Fellow launches Girls in STEM Mentorship with alumnae support
Before the start of TechWomen 2022, fellow Ines Umuhoza set a goal to leverage her TechWomen mentorship to inspire and mentor young girls in Rwanda. During the program, Ines collaborated with her mentor, Tawish Naqvi of Microsoft, to build out Girls in STEM Mentorship, a project she created of before TechWomen. Shortly after she returned from the U.S., Ines held her first session for 120 girls from Maranyundo Girls School, hosting them for an introductory session about mentorship and how they can benefit from the six‐month Girls in STEM Mentorship project. Ines is the director of programs for Girls in ICT Rwanda/Rwanda Women in Tech, an initiative whose mission is to inspire women and girls to pursue STEM careers. Rwandan fellows Emma Marie Ndoringoma (2013), Solange Tuyisenge (2015), Marie Claire Murekatete (2014),Christa Uwamahoro(2018), Nadine Uwizeyimana (2022) and Felicie Nyinawabali (2022) have joined the mentorship program, serving as advisors and co‐organizers; the program will also receive support from Girls in ICT Rwanda. Solange and Ines are collaborating to create career fair sessions, invite guest speakers and deliver training on soft skills and career guidance. At the Maranyundo Girls School introductory session, the girls were encouraged to ask questions about STEM careers and learn about their choices within STEM fields. “We designed this program to create awareness of different STEM careers by conducting STEM Career Fair days with different women in STEM professions to inspire the girls,” said Ines. “Not only are we inspiring more girls to be part of the women in STEM movement, but we are also going to be providing career guidance, self‐confidence and other soft skills needed to succeed in their future.”