2015 fellow Baratang Miya spoke on a high-level exchange panel at this month’s Internet Governance Forum, an annual event that brings together leaders from over 175 countries to dicuss internet-related public policy issues, address challenges and share best practices in over 300 sessions. For its 16th year the event was hosted by the Government of Poland and themed on “Internet United.”
Baratang is the founder of GirlHype, an initiative that empowers women and girls through tech training and digital literacy workshops. She also serves as the deputy chair for the South African Internet Governance Forum (ZAIGF). On her panel, Bara, alongside other international leaders, discussed how emerging technologies can successfully integrate goals of diversity, inclusivity and social responsibility. The panel also spoke about the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and how digital technology can create positive change. “This is truly a great achievement for me,” said Bara. “I know this might sound cliché, however it’s the truth: the TechWomen program gave me the courage to unleash the power in me I never had.”