This week, 2019 fellow Ayesha Mumtaz Kahn was featured in a Facebook Live event where she spoke about her journey as an entrepreneur and the lessons she has learned along the way. The Facebook Live was hosted by Circle, a Pakistani initiative with a mission to advocate for women empowerment through research, campaigns, capacitybuilding and workshops. Ayesha is the co-founder and CEO of Hop Orbits, an ecommerce platform that aims to democratize access to technology and create jobs in Pakistan. In the interview, Ayesha spoke about initially pursuing social sciences before discovering her passion for project management and digitization. Eventually, she co-founded her e-commerce company that currently primarily serves womenowned businesses: “I wanted to produce something that would serve my community,” she said. Ayesha also spoke about her TechWomen mentorship at Big Commerce, and gave advice to women embarking on their own entrepreneurial journey: “Women have to say yes to ourselves,” she said. “We have to say, ‘I can do it.’ There is no failure – there is only learning.”