Team Algeria 2024 Seed Grant Winners Advance to Product Distribution with “Camel Bright Solutions”
Fellows Assala Dob, Elghers Nesrine, Gasmi Rim, Imen Lezzam, and Nassima Farhi of Team Algeria 2024 have just surpassed the testing phase and are now on the path to product distribution for their TechWomen seed grant-winning impact project, Camel Bright Solutions.
Addressing the urgent issue of the approximately 500 devastating road accidents that occur in Southern Algeria each year, primarily at night and often involving camel collisions , the team developed Camel Bright Solutions. This product line of fluorescent, reflective, and adjustable collars for camels are designed to make the animals visible from up to 1,500 feet away by drivers. These lightweight, comfortable collars will not only enhance road safety but also help camel owners track their livestock more effectively.
Since receiving $3,000 in seed grant funding, the team has successfully moved from concept to implementation. They have completed the design phase, ensuring the collars are adjustable for camels of all sizes, and developed a prototype with a local supplier. Field testing at a camel farm confirmed that the collars fit securely and did not cause discomfort.
With promising results from testing, the team is now working on the next critical step: distribution. They have initiated discussions with Algeria’s Ministry of Agriculture to define a large-scale deployment strategy, aiming to make Camel Bright Solutions widely accessible. By improving visibility on roads, their innovation has the potential to significantly reduce accidents, save lives, and protect the livelihoods of families who depend on camels.