Impact Stories from Youth Engagement Policy Area

Fellow delivers workshop on public speaking for 300 students
Fellow(s): Omnia Tayari
Country: Libya
Cohort: 2013
Policy Area(s): Economic Impact, Education Diplomacy/Mentoring, Empowering Women and Girls, Entrepreneurship, Professional Growth, Youth Engagement
2013 fellow Omnia Tayari delivered a webinar on the foundations of public speaking to 300 students from North Africa and the Middle East this month, sharing tips and strategies to help students succeed in their careers. Omnia is the co-founder of BulbulHub Academy of Public Speaking as well as the founder of Oratoriia, an online program that educates and empowers young leaders. The students in attendance are enrolled in a full stack developer course from Edraak, an online course portal established by Queen Rania al Abdallah of Jordan; Omnia has been supporting this credential course as a communications and public speaking instructor. In her workshop, Omnia spoke about why public speaking is essential for career success, sharing tools and simple strategies for overcoming the fear of public speaking. “I was welcomed with great energy,” said Omnia. “The engagement was amazing that I could hardly manage to read the answers when I asked a question. Their insights, honesty and obvious desire to learn and grow was overwhelming.”
Read More »Report Date...: 2/21/2022

Fellow shares passion for mentorship in video interview
Fellow(s): Faten Khalfallah Hammouda
Country: Tunisia
Cohort: 2015
Policy Area(s): Education Diplomacy/Mentoring, Empowering Women and Girls, Professional Growth, Youth Engagement
2015 fellow Faten Khalfallah Hammouda was recently interviewed by CIO News, a platform for business and IT leaders. Faten was featured for Wonder Women in Tech, their series led by Khushubu Soni, CIO’s chief editor. Faten is the founder, president and project manager at First Skills Club, a STEM education initiative that introduces Tunisia’s youth to technologies such as mobile apps, robotics, electronics, design and 3D printing. She is also a lead organizer for Teens In AI, an initiative launched at the 2018 UN AI for Good Global Summit, as well as a TechGirls local engagement coordinator. She was recently named Outstanding Mentor at First Global, a yearly Olympics-style global robotics competition for youth. In the video interview, Faten spoke about her career in technology, finding her niche as an educator and mentor and her passion for facilitating early STEM competency. Through dedicating her time to empowering young students with 21st century skills, Faten is fostering a generation of critical thinkers who will be ready to solve leading issues in their communities. “I find myself trying to change the way to teach IT, trying to solve community problems via technology,” she said. “If I succeed I’ll help make future leaders that can inspire others.” Faten concluded the interview by reflecting on her TechWomen experience, explaining how TechWomen challenged her to think differently and pass on knowledge: “To any woman in tech: make yourself someone who can guide others, and share your knowledge with them,” she said.
Read More »Report Date...: 2/14/2022

Emerging Leader shares her journey in science
Fellow(s): Naomie Kayitesi
Country: Rwanda
Cohort: 2022
Policy Area(s): Education Diplomacy/Mentoring, Empowering Women and Girls, Environmental Sustainability, Professional Growth, Youth Engagement
The TechWomen blog has published its final post for Emerging Leader Voices, a series that invites incoming Emerging Leaders to share about their background, their STEM careers and their paths to TechWomen. In Motivation, the pillar of my journey in science, 2022 Emerging Leader Naomi Kayitesi of Rwanda writes how the Genocide against the Tutsi and her country’s resilience in the face of tragedy inspired her to achieve: “I was blessed to grow up in the time where education was accessible to everyone as a right and not a privilege,” she writes. Naomie is currently pursuing her PhD, focusing on river hydrology and how rivers are affected by climate change. “Women are more affected than men by these environmental challenges, especially in developing countries, where women are responsible for farming, fetching water, and gathering fuelwood,” she writes. “Therefore, I am looking forward to meeting other women in STEM to brainstorm these topics. It is important to look beyond our boxes and discuss these global challenges, thus contributing to the global agenda.” Naomie concludes her blog post with a message of hope for the next generation of STEM leaders, especially women: “You are capable…believe in yourself and work hard.”
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Fellow delivers inspirational webinar to youth
Fellow(s): Sarah Abdallah
Country: Lebanon
Cohort: 2016
Policy Area(s): Education Diplomacy/Mentoring, Empowering Women and Girls, Professional Growth, Youth Engagement
2016 fellow Sarah Abdallah delivered an inspirational talk at Inspire, a conference designed and presented by youth in Gaza. The conference was supported by Al Nayzak Organization for Supportive Education and Scientific Innovation and the UNDP Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People. Sarah is a program director at Anera, an organization that supports refugees in the Palestinian Territories, Lebanon and Jordan. She is also a lecturer at Saint Joseph University of Beirut, delivering courses in professional branding to the university’s engineering students. During her Inspire session, Sarah spoke about the future of jobs, the importance of professional branding and how people in vulnerable regions can remain motivated to succeed. Sarah, a new mother, also spoke about the stereotype that women cannot sustain both a family and career success. “What was important is maintaining the message of hope, as it is our only way to overcome all our current challenges and thrive,” she said.
Report Date...: 2/7/2022

Mentor and fellows collaborate to inspire students
Fellow(s): Eileen Brewer, Elena Selezneva, Ozoda Ismailova, Saida Yusupova, Amel Djenidi
Country: Algeria, United States, Uzbekistan
Cohort: 2016, 2018
Policy Area(s): Economic Impact, Education Diplomacy/Mentoring, Empowering Women and Girls, Entrepreneurship, Professional Growth, Youth Engagement
Mentor Eileen Brewer traveled to Uzbekistan, collaborating with fellows to train and empower students throughout Tashkent. Eileen, the mentor manager at startup accelerator 757 Accelerate, first traveled to Uzbekistan with TechWomen as a delegate on the TechWomen 2019 delegation trip. Eileen was invited by American Councils for International Education to deliver two days of training for alumnae of their Young Professional Internships Program (YPIP), an initiative that connects young STEM professionals to internship programs at Uzbek businesses and organizations. Eileen invited 2016 fellow of Uzbekistan Elena Selezneva to support her with the training, collaborating to deliver workshops on entrepreneurship, design thinking, Lean Canvas and pitching. Eileen also visited a local IT park and incubator hub, speaking to girls ages 9-12 from a public school about ideation, design thinking and the Technovation program. There, Eileen was joined by 2018 fellow of Uzbekistan Yulduz Khudaykulova, whose daughter attends the school, as well as 2018 fellow of Algeria Amel Djenidi, who recently moved to Tashkent. Last, Eileen delivered an ideation training to girls from the Technovation program that was organized by Elena alongside 2016 fellows of Uzbekistan Saida Yusupova and Ozoda Ismailova.
Report Date...: 1/17/2022

Fellows collaborate for Turkmenistan’s first DevFest
Fellow(s): Maral Hudaybergenova, Natalya Tyudina
Country: Tajikistan, Turkmenistan
Cohort: 2018
Policy Area(s): Education Diplomacy/Mentoring, Empowering Women and Girls, Professional Growth, Youth Engagement
2018 fellow of Turkmenistan Maral Hudaybergenova organized Turkmenistan’s first-ever DevFest Ashgabat, a two-day event that brought together local developers for learning and networking. DevFest, a yearly conference focused on community-led learning on Google technologies, is hosted and locally curated by Google Developer Groups (GDGs) across the globe. Maral serves as the GDG Ashgabat lead, as well as the ambassador for Women TechMakers Ashgabat. She is also the chapter ambassador for Technovation, and last year launched the first season of the program in Turkmenistan. Maral invited 2018 fellow of Tajikistan Nataliya Tyudina, a cloud technology developer at Ericsson, to speak at the inaugural event, joining other technology leaders who presented on community-building, dev-ops, IoT and more. In her presentation, Natalya spoke about eXtended reality technologies and trends, sharing about AR, VR, MR and XR. Natalya focused on the accessibility of these emerging technologies, emphasizing that despite sounding “fancy,” they are easy to learn and deliver high-impact results. “It was one the most engaging presentations that I have done this year,” said Natalya. “I got a lot of questions from the participants, and the majority of people who were asking were females.” Since her talk, Natalya has connected with some of the women in attendance, sharing resources and suggesting courses for them to continue their learning.
Report Date...: 1/10/2022

Fellow wins Woman in Tech Award
Fellow(s): Sabina Nforba
Country: Cameroon
Cohort: 2020-2021
Policy Area(s): Economic Impact, Education Diplomacy/Mentoring, Empowering Women and Girls, Entrepreneurship, Professional Growth, Youth Engagement
2020-2021 fellow Sabina Nforba won the Woman in Tech Award at the Bonteh Digital Media Awards, recognized for her leadership in technology and for empowering the next generation. Bonteh Digital Media Awards is Cameroon’s first media and tech award ceremony aimed at honoring and amplifying leaders in the digital economy. Sabina is the co-founder and president of AfriTech Hub, an organization that empowers young students and women to pursue STEM education and STEM careers. The initiative has worked with 3,000 students through its clubs, workshops and summits, and recently held a training for girls in front-end coding, helping place them in internships at the bootcamp’s conclusion. Sabina also works in data analytics for i engineering Group, a Beirut-based telecommunications company. “It was an honor to receive the Woman in Tech Award,” wrote Sabina. “A big thanks to everyone who has supported me through the work we do at AfriTech Hub. There would be no award without you and this is dedicated to you. I hope this inspires you to dream and do! Start wherever you are, start today. I promise, the world will be thankful you did.”
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Fellow joins U.S. Embassy’s Alumni Mentorship Program
Fellow(s): Ghada Amin
Country: Egypt
Cohort: 2018
Policy Area(s): Education Diplomacy/Mentoring, Empowering Women and Girls, Professional Growth, Youth Engagement
2018 fellow Ghada Amin was accepted as a mentor for the Alumni Mentorship Program, an initiative from the U.S. Embassy Cairo that empowers alumni of State Department-funded exchange programs to train and mentor others in their communities. The program, available in Cairo, Alexandria and Upper Egypt, seeks to connect alumni mentors and mentees from diverse fields to support mentees with their personal and professional goals.
In addition to working as an environment and compliance service manager, Ghada is an ambassador of sustainable development for Egypt’s Ministry of Planning and Economic Development, an initiative that seeks to build capacity around environmental sustainability. Last month, Ghada attended a three-day training that offered program mentors tools and best practices for optimizing the mentor and mentee experience. This month, she began mentoring five women in the fields of sustainable development, climate change and digital marketing; two of the women are undergraduate students, two are graduates and one is a high school student who is also an alumna of the TechGirls program. Ghada will mentor the women for three months, guiding them through challenges and offering her advice and expertise. “I’m so inspired by the program,” said Ghada. “I’m excited to mentor more people and give back to our community.”
Report Date...: 1/3/2022

Fellow featured in U.S. Embassy’s #30Years30Friends campaign
Fellow(s): Gulzire Minbaeva
Country: Kyrgyzstan
Cohort: 2018
Policy Area(s): Education Diplomacy/Mentoring, Empowering Women and Girls, Professional Growth, Youth Engagement
2018 fellow Gulzire Minbaeva was highlighted in #30Years30Friends, a campaign from the U.S. Embassy in the Kyrgyz Republic that celebrates the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the United States and the Kyrgyz Republic.
After visiting Khan Academy HQ during TechWomen 2018 Gulzire, a teacher and education advocate, became the official representative of Khan Academy in Kyrgyzstan. Since then, she has been featured for leading a team that is translating thousands of video courses to Kyrgyz available for free to students throughout Kyrgyzstan. In her #30Years30Friends spotlight, Gulzire shared how the TechWomen program supported her in achieving her dreams: “The TechWomen program is the best program aimed at developing the qualities of leadership, determination, risk, diligence and wisdom,” she said. “TechWomen taught me to look for opportunities, to recognize them and to use them properly. I learned to inspire myself, to always move forward and to achieve goals.”
Report Date...: 1/3/2022

Fellow named a 2021 InspiringFifty winner
Fellow(s): Rogeema Kenny
Country: South Africa
Cohort: 2015
Policy Area(s): Economic Impact, Education Diplomacy/Mentoring, Empowering Women and Girls, Entrepreneurship, Professional Growth, Youth Engagement
2015 fellow Rogeema Kenny was named an InspiringFifty winner, recognized for her leadership and commitment to inspiring women and youth. Established by CoCreateSANL, the Inspiring 50 list recognizes women in STEM fields that serve as role models and leaders in their communities. Through honoring women leaders, CoCreateSANL hopes to increase the visibility of diverse women in STEM and inspire girls to choose a STEM career.
Since TechWomen, Rogeema has led projects that introduced over 11,000 youth to coding. She is the founding director of Altelim, a non-profit focused on youth development, tech education and transfering knowledge to those most in need to effect social change. “I am driven by impact, and work tirelessly to get more young people and girls into STEM careers,” Rogeema said. “I use my platform to inspire people to go for their dreams and to believe that anything is possible.”
Report Date...: 1/3/2022