Impact Stories from Youth Engagement Policy Area

First Skills Club
Fellow(s): Faten Khalfallah
Country: Tunisia
Cohort: 2015
Policy Area(s): Education Diplomacy/Mentoring, Youth Engagement
Faten Khalfallah Hammouda organized a five-day boot camp for design thinking in July through her organization, the First Skills Club. With support from Autodesk, which hosted Faten during her participation in the TechWomen program, and Netinfo, a 3D training school in Tunisia, the camp served as an introduction to design thinking. The boot camp concluded with a design competition, in which the students created and presented their solution to a local problem, including pollution. Faten says “You can imagine my joy to see such leaders in that age group talking about their projects and dreaming to have a better world.”
Report Date...: 7/18/2016

AIMS partnership
Fellow(s): Janet Bih Fofang
Country: Cameroon
Cohort: 2013
Policy Area(s): Education Diplomacy/Mentoring, Youth Engagement
Janet Bih Fofang, 2013 fellow of Cameroon, recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS). AIMS plans to develop a network of mathematical centers across Africa to shape the region’s future through education in STEM. Janet’s Initiative trains STEM teachers and creates STEM clubs for girls. So far, her project has trained 30 teacher sand reached 200 girls in 10 schools throughout Yaounde.
Report Date...: 7/11/2016

2016 Regional Ambassador Award
Fellow(s): Amel Ghouila
Country: Tunisia
Cohort: 2014
Policy Area(s): Empowering Women and Girls, Youth Engagement
TechWomen Director Arezoo Riahi presented the 2016 Regional Ambassador Award to Amel Ghouila, 2014 fellow of Tunisia, for her dedication and work with the Technovation Challenge. After the 2014 TechWomen program, she returned to Tunisia and helped enroll 54 girls into the Technovation Challenge and has doubled participation year over year.
Report Date...: 7/11/2016

Fellow(s): Jessica Obeid
Country: Lebanon
Cohort: 2012
Policy Area(s): Empowering Women and Girls, Youth Engagement
Jessica Obeid, a TechWomen fellow from Lebanon founded MentorShe to encourage an promote the role of Lebanese women in politics. The organization aims to break down gender stereotypes related to professions and steer away from the traditional roles of men and women in society. Jessica wants girls to be aware of the sad reality, that despite how advanced society is, the role of women in Lebanon is still lagging. Parents and women have the ability to step up as role models and make a positive change in society.
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Report Date...: 6/6/2016

First Skills Club
Fellow(s): Faten Khalfallah
Country: Tunisia
Cohort: 2015
Policy Area(s): Education Diplomacy/Mentoring, Youth Engagement
2015 fellow Faten Hammouda of Tuinisia, has partnered with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology in Mombasa, Kenya, to maintain a project for Kenyan teachers to encourage students to use technology to solve community problems. Faten founded the First Skills Clubs, an education association that works to educate children across different countries. Faten was invited to Kenya to discuss the plan of action with the education minister and will manage the training between Kenya and Tunisia.
Report Date...: 6/6/2016

STEM Women
Fellow(s): Kumba Musa
Country: Sierra Leone
Cohort: 2015
Policy Area(s): Education Diplomacy/Mentoring, Empowering Women and Girls, Youth Engagement
Kumba Musa founded STEM Women in her native country upon returning home from the TechWomen program. During the program, she was able to witness and experience the supportive network women have cultivated in Silicon Valley to help and inspire others in STEM. Kumba’s participation in TechWomen inspired her to develop female leaders in Sierra Leone to serve as role models for young girls and create change at a national level, thus leading to the creation of STEM Women.
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Technovation Challenge finalists
Fellow(s): Cameroon: Dorothee Danedjo Foubaa. Kazakhstan: Diana Tsoy. Kenya: Josephine Kamanthe, Kendi Ntwiga and Alice Mbui
Country: Cameroon, Kazakhstan, Kenya
Cohort: 2013-2015
Policy Area(s): Education Diplomacy/Mentoring, Empowering Women and Girls, Youth Engagement
TechWomen fellows in Cameroon, Kazakhstan and Kenya have advanced to the final round of the Technovation Challenge, an annual competition for girls around the world to build a mobile app that will address a community problem. Dorothee Danedjo Foubaa, of Cameroon, served as a mentor to Team Angels Tech of Africa and their app, “Nature Gift,” which promotes the agricultural resources Cameroon has to offer. Diana Tsoy, a fellow of Kazakhstan, supported Team ComPote and their app “Active Citizen,” which aims to connect government figures with citizens. Josephine Kamanthe, fellow of Kenya, along with fellows Kendi Ntwiga and Alice Mbui, supported Team Sniper and their app “M-Safiri,” which provides a platform for people to book travel that is safe and secure.
Report Date...: 5/16/2016

Hello World Kids
Fellow(s): Hanan Khader of Jordan, Aida Nassr-Eddine of Lebanon and Nisreen Deeb of Lebanon
Country: Jordan, Lebanon
Cohort: 2013
Policy Area(s): Education Diplomacy/Mentoring, Youth Engagement
The 2013 fellows collaborated to develop a project to teach students in public and private schools in Lebanon how to code with the Hello World Kids (HWK) curriculum. Hanan Khader of Jordan founded HWK after the 2013 TechWomen program. Her mission was to develop the skills of youth through programming and inspire them to create ideas, startups, entrepreneurs, employment opportunities and more investments, to increase the number of future innovators.
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TechWomen Ambassador to TechGirls
Fellow(s): Shatha Jayyousi
Country: Jordan
Cohort: 2013
Policy Area(s): Youth Engagement
TechWomen fellows teamed up with TechGirls and the U.S embassy to host Jordan’s first NASA Space Apps Challenge. The three-day hackathon defines challenges relevant to Earth and space, and participants – developers, engineers, technologists, designers and anyone with a passion to impact the world. TechGirls Ambassador Shatha Jayyousi, a 2013 fellow of Jordan, worked with TechGirls to filter applications and recruit other TechWomen to mentor at Jordan’s first NASA Space Apps Challenge.
Read More »Report Date...: 4/25/2016

Refugee Girls Need You (AEIF initiative)
Fellow(s): Placidie Benamahirwe, Enatha Mukantwari, Marie Claire Murekatete, Emmanuella Nzahabonimana, Lydie Umubyeyi and Sylvie Umutesi
Country: Rwanda
Cohort: 2014
Policy Area(s): Education Diplomacy/Mentoring, Empowering Women and Girls, Youth Engagement
2014 fellows of Rwanda have extended their mentorship activities to refugee girls in Rwanda. The initiative, Refugee Girls Need You, supports undeserved and vulnerable populations, aiming to enhance personal development, exposure of hands-on skills and use of technology among young refugee girls via mobile computer labs. The initiative is working with three camps in Rwanda that are housing refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Fellows Placidie Benamahirwe, Enatha Mukantwari, Marie Claire Murekatete, Emmanuella Nzahabonimana, Lydie Umubyeyi and Sylvie Umutesi have partnered with the Rwanda Development Board, which provides mobile computer labs to reach rural areas. The fellows hope to encourage more girls to take on professional careers within in the fields of science, technology, and math.
Report Date...: 4/11/2016