Guest Post by Fabiola Addamo Ebele Okobi opened up the Yahoo! Business & Human Rights Summit on Women and Social /Digital Media in Cairo with a powerful statement - “A determined woman is a force of nature”. Simple words (but so eloquently said) have the ability to touch people’s core … [READ MORE...]
Application Deadline 3 Weeks Away! Some Last Minute Advice
The application deadline for the 2012 TechWomen program is about than three weeks away. As you put the finishing touches on your application, be sure to follow this advice. It will help ensure you have a competitive application for the selection committee to review! Make sure your essays clearly … [READ MORE...]
TechWomen Frequently Asked Questions
Interested in learning more about the TechWomen program? Below, read some of our most frequently asked questions. Do you have a question that's not listed? Let us know by posting a comment, and we'll be sure to respond! What is TechWomen? Harnessing the power of business, technology and … [READ MORE...]
Project Based Mentorships in San Francisco Bay Area
The TechWomen program will occur over five weeks from early September through October 2012. The program will commence in the San Francisco Bay Area, California, and will conclude in Washington, D.C. TechWomen Mentees will take part in three-week project-based mentorships at leading companies in … [READ MORE...]
Life After TechWomen: “Those five weeks were just the beginning.”
“I had always thought about doing something for underserved girls in the world,” Thekra explains. She had an idea to start an NGO, Edugirl. “Most NGOs focus on university-aged students,” Thekra says, “I want to focus on girls in neglected areas who get married early, who are isolated and who don’t … [READ MORE...]
TechWomen 2012 – The Adventure Begins
Guest post by Heather Ramsey Happy New Year! Reading world news headlines each day, it is clear that this is a particularly momentous and pivotal time in history to be a woman. It is a time when women need to come together across borders and cultural barriers. TechWomen affords everyone … [READ MORE...]
Techwomen 2012: Why should you apply?
Guest post by Lamia Ben Hiba You are insatiable. Foolish and hungry. You want to make a dent in the universe. Be one of those people who are crazy enough to believe they can change the world. Say no more, I know exactly how you feel. I wake up everyday with the hope I can make a difference, I can … [READ MORE...]
TechWomen Eligibility Criteria – Apply Today!
The 2012 TechWomen Application is Now Open! The TechWomen initiative will identify approximately 42 women who are emerging leaders in technology sectors for a five-week program, including project-based mentorships at leading companies in California, workshops, networking events, a conference, and … [READ MORE...]
TechWomen Now Accepting Applications for 2012
U.S. Department of State Press Release Media Note The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs announced today that the TechWomen initiative – an international exchange that uses technology as a means to empower women and girls worldwide – is now accepting online … [READ MORE...]
Using Comics to Encourage Girls’ Involvement in STEM
If someone had asked Rayane Hazimeh a few years ago why she had become an engineer, she probably would have said that it was by mistake. “I was always the black sheep,” Rayane explains, “and often that meant walking away from the norm.” Rayane has always had a taste for adventure and challenges, and … [READ MORE...]